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Sisterhood Membership Payment for 5785

Membership Dues for Sisterhood is $36 Per Year


Shabbat Hospitality

Dear Young Israel families,
Our shul is one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in the world. As a result, Hollywood/Fort Laudersale is a desirable location and many families would love to come and see if this is the right fit for them. If you would like to be part of the mitzvah of hachnassat orchim, welcoming new guests into your home, please let us know by filling out this form below.

Would you be interested in housing a family over Shabbbat? (click yes or no) 
If so, how many beds/bedrooms do you have available for guests? 
Are you interested in hosting a family for Friday night dinner?
Are you interested in hosting a family for Shabbat lunch? 
Thank you in advance for partaking in this project!


Mishloach Manot Purim Basket Fundraiser

Plans the yearly Mishloach Manot Purim basket fundraiser. From determining the theme, to the creative content, packing, and delivering. This is the largest Sisterhood fundraiser of the year. Smaller packages are also sent to Young Israel college students.
Contact: Sisterhood at

Bat Mitzvah Program

The Young Israel, under the auspices of the Sisterhood, has a two-part Bat Mitzvah program for sixth-grade girls. Once a month, the girls meet on Shabbat afternoon at the home of Meira Davis, the wife of the Rabbi. One Sunday morning a month the girls and their mothers meet with Rebecca Weinstock, wife of the Rabbi, and Sara Frieberg Coordinator of Women's Engagement and participate in the Matan Mother-Daughter Bat Mitzvah program. The year of study culminates with a celebration at which every Bat Mitzvah makes a presentation about a special woman, an Eishet Chayil, whom she admires.
Contact: Sara Frieberg

Book Club

All are invited to join the Sisterhood in reading and discussing approximately six books per year. An evening of Jewish Book Month is also sponsored by this group.
Contact: Jillian Galitzer and Sara Wallerstein

Chesed Committee

This group provides assistance to any member of our community who is sick or incapacitated. We arrange meals, do essential shopping, arrange babysitting, provide transportation to doctor's offices etc.
Contact: Yael Sobol and Andy Palmer


Ensures the quality of the mikvah and has yearly addresses to the women and men in the community.
Contact: Rebecca Weinstock

New Members' Gifts

To welcome our newest members to the Shul and the Hollywood community, a gift box highlighting the "Tastes of Hollywood" is personally delivered to each new family.
Contact: Aliza Markovich, Susie Kaweblum, Jillian Galitzer

New Member Match Up

Rebbitzen Weinstock contacts established members of the YI community to host new members for a Shabbat meal.

New Mother's Meals

Arranges a Shabbat meal to be delivered to new mothers in the event that they are not already provided for by the community.
Contact: Rebecca Ohayon and Ilana Melnitsky

New Mother's Meal Coordinator

In the instance a new mother does not have someone to coordinate meals, this person arranges two weeks of meals for her.
Contact: Ilana Melnitsky

New Member Tea

Once a year after the Chagim there is a Shabbat afternoon meet and greet for all the new members.
Contact:  Flo Kaweblum

Rosh Hashana Card

Through the annual Sisterhood Rosh Hashana cards, you can wish the entire Young Israel Congregation a "Shana Tova."

Shavuot Ice Cream Kiddush

Arranges the Shavout Ice Cream Kiddush which takes place every year at the shul.

Shavuot Ice Cream Kiddush

The YI sisterhood presents a Shavuot Ice Cream Kiddush every other year. Volunteers are welcome to help plan and organize a unique themed luncheon for the whole family.
Contact: Sisterhood  at

Yom Iyun

This annual Women's day of learning is an opportunity for women to hear remarkable women speak on a variety of topics relevant to us.
Contact: Yonina Blumenthal at

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785