Mikvah Renovation Campaign
Young Israel of Hollywood - Ft Lauderdale Women's Community Mikvah is being remodeled! Over the past five years our community has seen unprecedented growth. As the community continues to grow the need to invest in the Mikvah to ensure that this mitzvah is as special as it can be for our families is becoming of paramount importance.
This exciting project will beautify and enhance the Mikvah experience for the women in our community, providing a space that offers the best in comfort, aesthetics, hygiene and privacy.
The newly refurbished Mikvah will host a newly designed and comfortable waiting area ensuring privacy for Mikvah attendees as well as 3 renovated preparation rooms (one of which is a designated bridal room) and the Mikvah pool. For more information on supporting the Mikvah refurbishment campaign please email Melissa@yih.org.
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